If you change your mind about your purchase, you have the option to cancel your order within one hour of purchase. To cancel your order, please follow the steps below;
Log in to your account.
Go to your order history and select the order you wish to cancel.
If the order has been placed less than 1 hour ago, there will be a 'CANCEL ORDER' button showing at the bottom of the order summary.
Please select this button, you will then be asked to confirm your cancellation request.
To continue canceling your order select 'CANCEL ORDER' again. If you do not wish to cancel your order, select 'No, return to order'.
Once an order is canceled, we cannot undo this. You will need to replace the order yourself.
Please remember, this self-cancellation is only available for the first hour of your order being created, after this 1-hour window, we cannot cancel orders.
If the 'CANCEL ORDER' button is not showing at the bottom of the order summary, then just leave the Whatsapp message on the Contact Us page.